Friday, June 17, 2011

June 16

Silly imitation breakfast.
Liam was putting his feet in his mouth, so
Calynn decided to do the same. When she found them not
to taste very good she settled on smelling them instead.

Calynn teaching Liam how to drink the milk remaining in
the cereal bowl.

You can tell she is not thrilled with him swiping her cup
and trying to do the same.

My eight month old and I

Liam's first taste of a McDonald's milkshake.
I was hoping it would be too thick for him to pull
up the straw. It wasn't, and he loved it.

Keeping it away after I told her he had enough.

Sneaking him another sip and looking back to
see if I notice.

Showing me her silly cherry face.

Liam has decided he loves graham crackers
like his sister. Here he is feeding himself one
for the first time.

Jeff met us at the fountain when he was done with work.

Catching a ride when her legs got tired.

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