Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Calynn had her 9 month check up at the doctors yesterday.
She now weighs 18 lbs 3 oz. (50%) has a head circumference of 17.5 inches (60%) and is 29 inches long (90%).
9 months seems like a good time to share all the fun new things Calynn is learning to do, so here goes .......
In addition to pulling up on everything Calynn can now cruise around furniture (first seen on June 10th), and will walk around if she's holding onto our hands. She will try to snap her fingers if she sees us do it (June 14th), she also claps, waves, plays peek a boo, and does the occasional "high five". The latest trick she mastered on June 21st is "finding" her ears if we ask them where they are. The toes she finds occasionally, but not as consistent.

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